ISSN: 2222-6990
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The talent pool of today's educational institutions specifically polytechnics and community colleges face an evolving landscape of leadership demands. This paper explores the pivotal role of personality tests based on the Big Five Personality model in enhancing leadership selection processes. The study underscores a distinctive arrangement of personality traits predisposing individuals to either strategic (EOANC) or operational (OEANC) leadership styles. Strategic leaders, characterized by Extraversion and Openness, are primed for roles that require visionary thinking and stakeholder engagement. In contrast, operational leaders, with a predilection for Openness balanced with other traits, are aptly suited for roles demanding meticulous planning and execution. By leveraging these insights, institutions can foster a leadership cadre that aligns seamlessly with their unique challenges and objectives. Furthermore, the paper recommends customizing personality tests for educational leadership, ensuring a harmonious balance between personality insights and practical expertise, periodically reviewing the tests' efficacy and investing in post-selection training. Ethical and transparent implementation of these tests further augments their efficacy and foster trust within the academic community. In conclusion, incorporating tailored personality tests in leadership selection can empower polytechnics and community colleges to navigate the complexities of modern education which further driving sustained institutional excellence.
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