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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Relationship between Green Human Resource Management Practices (Green HRM) and Environmental Performance in Food and Beverage Industry

Hilwa Yusoh, Athirah Abdulatif, Hafinas Halid, Yusmani Mohd Yusoff

Open access

Recent trends have shown that global concerns have increased regarding environmental issues. These issues increased the demand for businesses and industries to develop and adopt green management strategies within their organizations. The food and beverage industry has become one of the largest energy usage industries, which contributes to negative environmental performance, and it is also remarked that this industry falls behind concerning ecological sustainability. Therefore, the combination of environmental management with HRM practices is seen as the best strategy to combat this problem. This study delineates the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory to scrutinize the influences of Green HRM practices (green job analysis, green recruitment, and selection, green training and development, green performance appraisal, and green reward management) and environmental performance in the food and beverage industry. The data collected for this study is predominantly based on secondary data from various journals and articles. The result of this study has postulated that perceived Green HRM practices have a meaningful and positive relationship with environmental performance and thus will be an advantageous foundation for comprehending the determination of Green HRM practices on environmental performance in future research.

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