ISSN: 2222-6990
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Information Communication and Technology (ICT) has become crucial to human life. Nowadays, people rely on technology to carry out their daily activities and is used extensively across the globe. Individuals can communicate, work, learn and entertain themselves more effectively. However, there were also some threats that need to be considered by individuals while surfing the internet and need to be safety. This paper aims to identify the relationship between digital intelligence competencies focusing on Digital Communication, Digital Literacy, and Digital Safety on Online Behaviour among university students. The respondents of this research were students from a public university in Terengganu, ranging from pre-diploma to postgraduate programs, who involved themselves in online activities. The questionnaires were adopted from previous research, and a link to Google Forms was given to students using WhatsApp application. The questionnaires are related to the digital intelligence quotient and online behaviour. There were 184 questionnaires used for the analysis. Data were analysed using SmartPLS version 3.99. Based on the findings, a significant relationship exists between digital communication, digital literacy, and digital safety in online behaviour.
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