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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Factors Affecting Employees’ Job Satisfaction in The Workplace

Rohana Ahmad Shimi, Nur Aishah Atiqah Binti Rozaidi, Shailendra Rau A/L Radhkrishnarao, Sebastian Ding Tom

Open access

The major purpose of this study is to examine and clarify does compensation, peer relationship and working environment have a significant relationship towards employees’ job satisfaction. It is also to determine if the compensation, peer relationship and working environment meets and satisfies the employee’s expectations. The most important resource for any organization is its employees; the longer an employee is employed by a company, the more valuable they become. Numerous studies in diverse fields have been carried out to illustrate the factors affecting employees’ job satisfaction. The core of employee happiness is a belief that working for that specific organization is the greatest choice for them, together with a strong sense of satisfaction with the organization. Several aspects affecting employee job satisfaction are also discovered by this study, which are compensation, peer relationships, and also working environment. The study used a quantitative method whereby a questionnaire survey was sent out to respondents via Google form to collect data. Google form is divided into 5 demographic sections, compensation, peer relationship, working environment, and job satisfaction. A target population of 150 employees who work in the Klang Valley and Selangor area was identified. After succeeding in gathering about 151 responses in under two weeks, our findings show that the factors under study have a substantial connection. The finding shows that there is a significant relationship between compensation and employees’ job satisfaction in the workplace, there is a significant relationship between peer relationships and employees’ job satisfaction in the workplace and here is a significant relationship between the working environment and employees’ job satisfaction in the workplace. This study is expected to provide knowledge and serve as reference material for future research in this related area, the information which also can be used by the employers. Hence, the results of this study will provide a clear picture of factors affecting employees’ job satisfaction in the workplace.

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(Shimi et al., 2024)
Shimi, R. A., Rozaidi, N. A. A. B., Radhkrishnarao, S. R. A., & Tom, S. D. (2024). Factors Affecting Employees’ Job Satisfaction in The Workplace. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(1), 2051–2062.