ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Today, young mothers in China confront increasing difficulties as they deal with the demands and subjectivity of parenting at a later stage of their lives. Although previous research has confirmed links between parenting stress and subjective well-being, this study added to the body of knowledge by identifying the role of resilience as a mediator in that relationship. The main purpose of this research was to examine the correlation between parenting stress and subjective well-being among young mothers, while determining the mediation effect of resilience on the above correlation. The cross-sectional research design was utilized. The population in this study were young mothers who resided in Zhuhai, China. The convenience sampling method was used. In total 120 young mothers completed self-report questionnaires including Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale, Parenting Stress Scale, and Resilience Scale. Results showed that there is a significant negative correlation between parenting stress and subjective well-being, while resilience would significantly partially mediate the above correlation. This study offers scientific information regarding parenting stress and subjective well-being, as well as the significance of resilience. The findings can raise public and professional awareness of the risk factors associated with young mothers' subjective well-being, allowing for the development of appropriate initiatives to address them.
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(Yu et al., 2024)
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