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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Roles of Political Parties in a Heterogeneous Country, an Examination of Malaysia in the Aftermath of the 15th General Election

Mohd. Mahadee Ismail, Azwan Ahzran Perman, Mohd Izani Mohd Zain

Open access

Political parties play a crucial role in the promotion of democracy, as the outcome of elections holds considerable importance. In pursuit of electoral victory, political parties resort to exploiting racial and religious emotions as a means of garnering public support. The Malaysian general elections in 2018 and 2022 resulted in the ascension of four distinct Prime Ministers and subsequent governmental transitions within a span of four years. Consequently, the prevailing trend of power struggles and internal conflicts has engendered a state of political instability. While the presence of political party dynamics can be seen as a positive indication of a thriving democracy, it may not be suitable for a developing and heterogeneous country like Malaysia. This is because it can result in governance delays, narrow-minded policies, and negative ethnoreligious implications. Therefore, the objective of this article is to highlight and examine the role of political parties in a heterogeneous country. Using a qualitative methodology, the researcher has conducted an extensive review of the scholarly literature pertaining to the domains of politics and heterogeneity. Four themes emerged from the investigation, encompassing the roles of representation, socialisation, stability, and check and balance within a heterogeneous society. The significance of political parties in a diverse nation is crucial for the advancement of a country's democratic system and societal progress. Consequently, further investigation is warranted to delve into and comprehend the intricacies of their interactions within society.

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