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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Bulding of Self-Resilience Based on Spiritual Approach in Facing Self-Injury Conflict: A Literature Review

Siti Hajar Mohamad Yusoff, Norhashimah Yahya, Zuraidah Juliana Mohamad Yusoff, Wan Marfazila Wan Mahmud, Mohd Fikruddin Mat Zin, Siti Zuraidah Ismail, Wahyu Saefudin, Sriwiyanti , Mohd Sani Ismail, Mohd Hasrul Shuhari

Open access

Ministry of Education Malaysia seriously views the formation of a knowledgeable, generous and resilient generation towards the building of a productive community. However, nowadays there are various cases involving the young generation such as self-injury. Till now, most of the resilience models that are discussed by researchers are discussed from the Western perspective, and in the context of Malaysian society where the majority of them are Muslim, spiritual health in religious aspects starts to get attention as well as physical and mental aspects and should to be given attention in order to form holistic individual self-resilience. Therefore, this study aims to identify important elements in building self-resilience based on Ibn Ataillah's and al-Ghazali's approaches, as a solving structure in confronting self-injuring conflict. This qualitative study is in the form of grounded theory which involves a document analysis method where the data analysis involves the identification of main concepts, relationships between those concepts, and theories development based on the reviewed literature. Study findings show that the most important element that is emphasized by Ibn Ataillah and Al-Ghazali is standing on the concepts of creation, qada’ and qadar, al-nafs, al-ruh, al-qalb, and al-’aql. Spiritual concepts, science of life, servant and God concept, conflict-solving skills, as well as good values assimilation also are highlighted. Each of these elements plays its own role as a protective factor in facilitating the process of strengthening individuals to be more self-resilient in facing a variety of life pressures. This thoroughness may contribute in expanding the development of the existing self-resilience model, especially in confronting the conflict of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (NSSI). This is also can have implications on the formation of a well-being society, along with achieving the objective of National Education Philosophy in developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, and also to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, physically balanced, and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God.

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