ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The world of education today is constantly changing in line with the needs of the Industrial Revolution globally so that digital transformation is linked to the implementation of technology and modern solutions to enhance student experience in the learning and teaching process. Following digital technology, learning methods have traditionally changed to the use of electronic tools, systems or devices such as social media, online games, multimedia and mobile phones. At the same time, the country's education policy is being formulated by focusing on improving student mastery in digital technology, enriching quality digital content, enabling teacher competence, and making the use of digital technology as a culture among educational leaders. This leads to problems among teachers such as incompetence in using digital technology, difficulties in integrating technology into teaching and learning, as well as concerns about the negative effects that may arise from the use of digital technology. So this concept paper aims to discuss digital issues and effective leadership styles as a driving force for the successful application of educational digitization in schools. This concept paper involves focusing on data through literary studies conducted to discuss the challenges and necessities in ensuring the success of education digitization. As a result, aspects related to digital transformation in education, the importance of digitalization in the education system, methods and types of digitization of teaching, and the challenges of teachers in applying digital education were discussed. In conclusion, the discussion of this concept paper discusses the theory and model of adaptive leadership as an incentive to the implementation of education digitization in schools, and further able to contribute in supporting and preparing teachers for the digitization of education.
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