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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Analysis of Meat and Milk Supply in Malaysia

Mohd Borhanuddin Zakaria, Nik Rahim Nik Ghani

Open access

Meat and milk supplies are food products in Malaysia and are wrong an agenda for the National Agrofood Policy (2010-2030) and the National Agricultural Policy (1984- 2010) government and private guidelines to develop the agricultural sector. However, the focus is on realizing it to reach a level of self-sufficiency increased. This study aims to analyze meat and dairy agricultural products in Malaysia. The methodology of this study uses a content analysis research design, The collected data were analyzed through a descriptive approach with a combination qualitative approach which is to analyze text including analyzing document- documents such as official reports, circular letters, annual reports, reports departments, financial plans, agency reports, and transcripts. The results of the study found that the demand for milk and meat will increase and the source of supply will also sufficient to meet the needs of the people based on current demand. Implications studies suggest that meat and milk products should be increased in quantity and prioritized compared to other commodities. The Ministry of Agriculture and Security should give serious attention is then expected to play its role in promote the growth of the agricultural sector in accordance with Sharia.

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