ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Conjugal visit is a visitation granted to prisoners in the form of a meeting between legally recognized spouses. The visits are limited and have a short duration. Conjugal visit allows for private physical contact and overnight stay. The practice of conjugal visits is observed in contemporary societies in certain countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Thailand. However, the concept of conjugal visits has not been implemented in Malaysia. Therefore, the purpose of this writing is to raise questions regarding conjugal visits in Malaysia. This qualitative study utilizes content analysis as the research design. Data collection involves primary source documents from the basic principles of the Malaysian Prison Department. Additionally, structured interviews were conducted with officials from the policy division of the Malaysian Prison Department. The data will be analyzed using a comparative method between the primary sources, and subsequently, triangulation with interview data. The study found that currently, there is no significant implementation or development regarding conjugal visits in Malaysia, despite ongoing discussions. Hence, this study serves as a catalyst for renewed discussions on any potential needs for implementing conjugal visits
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