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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Examining the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Turnover Intentions: A Comprehensive Review

Zhao Mengjiao, Mohd Anuar bin Arshad, Luo Yating

Open access

This paper thoroughly explores the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and employee turnover intention, employing the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. It emphasizes the pivotal role of employees as the core resources of an organization and highlights the negative impact of workforce mobility on organizational performance and profitability, particularly in fiercely competitive markets where retaining key technical personnel is essential. The associated costs of employee turnover, such as recruitment expenses, labor force losses, and decreased productivity, pose significant challenges on individual, organizational, and national levels. CSR is identified as a strategic approach for businesses to actively engage in social and environmental responsibilities, fostering a positive brand image and strengthening connections with stakeholders. The research findings highlight the substantial reduction in employee turnover intention through effective CSR implementation, achieved by enhancing employee satisfaction, organizational commitment, and identification, along with improving the company's public reputation, thereby mitigating turnover intentions. The study also acknowledges potential adverse consequences stemming from inconsistencies in CSR practices, recognizing that perceived misalignments between commitments and behaviors may amplify employees' intentions to leave. The SLR method integrates literature from diverse databases, revealing CSR's direct impact on employee attitudes and behaviors, particularly in reinforcing organizational belongingness and loyalty across various industries and organizational types. CSR emerges as a pivotal factor in diminishing employee turnover rates, enhancing corporate brand images, and sustaining competitive advantages. The research methodology employs the SLR approach, drawing key data from reputable databases and utilizing a grid map to synthesize and illustrate the primary findings of previous studies.In conclusion, the study underscores CSR's critical role in employee retention and turnover intention, providing essential support for cultivating a positive work environment, improving employee satisfaction, and fostering sustained employee retention.

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(Mengjiao et al., 2024)
Mengjiao, Z., Arshad, M. A. bin, & Yating, L. (2024). Examining the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Turnover Intentions: A Comprehensive Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(1), 697–716.