ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
All banks in Malawi deploy Automated teller machines (ATMs) making ATM banking the second most popular access channel to banking products/services. Therefore, to continue achieving competitive advantage through ATM banking, bank managers need to know the key features of ATM banking whose performance greatly influence customers’ satisfaction. 353 ATM card users rated the performance of ATM banking in 25 service quality attributes and further rated their perceived satisfaction with ATM banking. The regression analyses of the performance of the 25 ATM banking attributes and customers’ satisfaction first reveal that the 25 attributes adopted from empirical studies provide a perfect model for predicting customer satisfaction. Secondly, reliability and responsiveness are the key service quality dimensions of ATM banking and thirdly, the analyses revealed 12 key attributes that influence customers’ satisfaction with ATM banking and these are: ATM fees charged, ATMs not out of order, cleanliness of ATMs and ATM stations, accuracy of ATM transactions, ease of access to ATMs, readable slips, convenient location, employee accessibility to solve ATM problems, privacy at ATM stations, employee speed in solving ATM issues, ease of application process for ATM cards and cash availability in ATMs.