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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Bibliometric Analysis of Knowledge Sharing in the Field of Management, Business and Accounting Based on Scopus Database

Jingchao Chen, Syaharizatul Noorizwan Muktar, Hakimah Muhammad Zin

Open access

As the global economic landscape has transitioned from an industrial economy to a knowledge-based one, primarily driven by the rapid advances in science and technology, it is highly advisable for businesses to incorporate knowledge management and sharing as integral components of their strategic approach. To achieve this objective, this bibliometric analysis focused on 5341 journal papers related to knowledge sharing published from 2013 to October 2023, sourced from the Scopus database, and harnessed the power of VOS viewer software. The study aims to offer insights into the volume, trends, geographic distribution, influential journals, highly-cited organizations, key authors, and predominant themes within the knowledge sharing domain. The review underscores the emergent significance of knowledge sharing and highlights its potential as a subject deserving of further scholarly exploration. It is anticipated that this research will serve as a valuable foundation for future researchers delving into the intricacies of knowledge sharing.

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(Chen et al., 2023)
Chen, J., Muktar, S. N., & Zin, H. M. (2023). A Bibliometric Analysis of Knowledge Sharing in the Field of Management, Business and Accounting Based on Scopus Database. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 1308–1320.