ISSN: 2222-6990
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The purpose of this article is to develop a conceptual framework for military cognitive readiness (CR) in the Malaysian Army (MA). CR refers to military personnel who are cognitively ready to perform in military operations with military knowledge, skill, and abilities (KSAs). The military KSAs provide military personnel at each level (strategic, operational, and tactical) with capabilities to think critically, problem-solving, and decisions making effectively during military operations. The underpinning theory related to the development of cognitive readiness of military personnel has been identified which involves human resources development (HRD) theory and cognitive readiness theory. The review found that the development of military personnel's cognitive readiness is related to the relationship between factors that influence the transfer of training that occurs through military training. Conceptual frameworks and hypotheses have been formulated to be analyzed and measured by testing the relationship.
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(Alim et al., 2023)
Alim, H., Ananthan, S., Nor, N. M., & Wahab, A. Y. A. (2023). Conceptual Framework for Military Personnel Cognitive Readiness in Malaysian Army. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 1343–1358.
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