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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Review of the Impact of Leadership Styles on Employee Innovation Performance

Luo Yating, Mohd Anuar bin Arshad, Zhao Mengjiao

Open access

With the vigorous growth and structural transformation of the Chinese economy, corporate managers increasingly recognize the strategic importance of fostering employee innovation. In the competitive landscape, businesses must continually innovate to enhance their competitiveness, viewing innovation as the cornerstone of survival. Against this environment, leadership styles become crucial, as employees play the pivotal role of executing all strategic plans and objectives. This study explores the relationship between different leadership styles and employee innovation performance through a literature review approach. The research reveals that close collaboration between leaders possessing various leadership styles and their employees is essential to spark the courage for innovation, thereby enhancing employee innovation performance. Based on a synthesis of existing literature, this paper outlines prospective directions for future research: Firstly, expanding the study on the impact and mechanisms of inclusive leadership on employee innovation performance, unravelling the potential mechanisms through which leadership styles stimulate employee innovation. Secondly, there is a need to enrich research on various leadership styles to comprehensively understand the role of leadership behaviour in shaping innovation performance. Furthermore, considering the unique characteristics of different industries in China, there should be in-depth investigations into the specific mechanisms through which leadership styles influence employee innovation performance across diverse sectors, providing more targeted management recommendations. Through these efforts, a better understanding and effective responses to the complex relationship between leadership styles and employee innovation can be achieved, offering scientifically grounded and practical guidance for sustained corporate innovation.

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(Yating et al., 2024)
Yating, L., Arshad, A. D. M. A. bin, & Mengjiao, Z. (2024). A Review of the Impact of Leadership Styles on Employee Innovation Performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(1), 3081–3092.