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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Concept of Gratitude in the Implementation of Development by the Prophet Sulayman (PBUH): An Analysis of Selected Quranic Verses

Muhamad Hafizuddin Ghani

Open access

This paper aims to study and analyze the verses of the Qur’an related to the application of the concept of gratitude in the implementation of development by Prophet Sulayman (PBUH). The Qur’an portrays Prophet Sulayman as a Prophet who carried out development with great excellence. In the Quranic narratives about him, the word gratitude (shukr) has been mentioned several times clearly through various verses. This indicates that he emphasized this concept in his governance. The question arises: what is the understanding of the concept of gratitude that aligns with Prophet Sulayman (PBUH)? How is this concept of gratitude implemented in Islamic-based Development? Based on these questions, this paper attempts to further examine the concept of gratitude and analyze it based on selected Quranic verses using the method of thematic interpretation (tafsir al-mawdu‘iy). Finally, this paper concludes that gratitude is a concept closely related to faith (aqidah), serving as the core of every developmental activity. It is through this concept that outstanding productivity can be achieved in the implementation of IbD.

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