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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Rights of Minority Muslim Women in The West: An Islamic Perspective

Kauthar Razali, Razali Musa, Azarudin Awang

Open access

The Declaration of Human Rights is consistently upheld in the Western sphere and is considered a global slogan. The notion of human rights in the West has evolved through a lengthy history of feminist struggles. In certain contexts, the Western conception of women's rights differs significantly from the values advocated by Islam. Consequently, Muslim women in the Western world encounter various forms of discrimination, with their rights being denied due to differences in belief systems. Thus, this study is conducted with the aim of elucidating the concept of human rights from both Western and Islamic perspectives. Furthermore, it delves into issues categorized as 'violations of human rights' among Muslim women in the Western world. Content analysis is employed to obtain and analyze the desired data using thematic analysis methods. The findings of this research reveal that the slogans promoted by Western societies do not align with the human rights advocated by them concerning the freedom of Muslim women to practice their religion. This matter can be discerned in issues related to Sharia-compliant clothing and various other forms of discrimination.

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