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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Discipline of Socializing According to The Islamic Faith and The Current Gender Dysphoria Crisis

Zanirah Mustafa@Busu, Mohd Miqdad Aswad Ahmad

Open access

This paper discusses on issues related to communication, socializing boundaries between men and women, and gender confusion. Symptoms of inappropriate behavior and habits to the normal human life have become a common thing today. This has become worrisome towards the lifestyle of future generations. Each individual should live one’s life according to the Shariah, not breaking any boundaries, and not blaming any laws and rules in Islam. The Islamic principles should be practiced with a clear understanding of its teachings and doctrines. The purpose of this paper is to explain professional ethics and communication according to Islamic teachings especially those that involve men and women in the same line of work. This paper also discusses the factors that affect gender confusion and the negative effects. The research method includes literature review, interview, documentation, and detailed study to collect the related data. The results clearly highlight the Shariah propositions regarding socializing between men and women who are not blood-related. This study is hoped to be able to show Muslims as the best people in all areas of life affairs, and should be highlighted to improve people’s lives who believe in Islam.

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