ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The use of modern contraceptives is recommended by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (KKM) for the health of women, and it is mandatory by law. The use of these contraceptives has implications for the stability woman's menstrual cycle, which in turn affects matters such as taharah activities, religious practices, marital relations, and others. The methodology used in this study was qualitative research using case study design, specifically examining the forms of abnormal bleeding as a result of the use of modern contraceptives. Data for the study were obtained through a literature review, analyzing classical and contemporary fiqh documents as well as medical literature. The study found that the legal adaptation for women who undergo this contraceptive treatment and experience abnormal bleeding is to refer to the legal rulings of women with istih?dhah. The management of these women's religious practices can be handled correctly according to Islamic law, when the status of the blood can be identified as either menstrual blood or non-menstrual blood (istih?dhah blood).
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