ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Pondok education played a major role in the spread of Islamic knowledge in the Malay Peninsula. In Terengganu, pondok educational system was founded in the 17th century AD by local scholars. However, writing about the history of the foundation of the pondok system in the Malay Peninsula is so rarely. Syeikh Abdul Malik bin Abdullah or known as Tok Pulau Manis is one of the Terengganu state scholars who has been directly involved in introducing the pondok educational system in this state. This noble effort is continued by the descendants of Sheikh Abdul Malik bin Abdullah. Thus, this paper aims to explain the contribution of Sheikh Abdul Malik and his descendants in the development of pondok studies in Malay Peninsula. The data in this brief study was collected by using document analysis and interviews. The result of this writing found that Syeikh Abdul Malik has played a big role in the foundation of the pondok educational systermin the state of Terengganu. As a result of his efforts, pondok studies were continued by his great-grandchildren either in Terengganu or in Kelantan. In addition, the students of his descendants have continued the pondok educational system in the state of Terengganu.
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