ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Change initiatives play a crucial role in organizations, enabling them to adapt to dynamic environments and drive organizational success. However, successful change implementation is a complex and multifaceted process. This research paper aims to explore the effectiveness of change implementation by integrating strategy lenses as a conceptual tool. The utilization of strategy lenses provides a holistic understanding of how different strategic perspectives can enhance change implementation processes. The framework emphasizes the importance of aligning change efforts with organizational strategy, considering the interplay between strategic lenses, and leveraging them to facilitate successful change implementation. By examining international examples, this study aims to understand how different strategic perspectives impact and shape specific aspects of effective change implementation.
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(Dajah, 2024)
Dajah, S. (2024). Effective Change Implementation through Strategy Lenses. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 14(1), 2363–2374.
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