ISSN: 2222-6990
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Marital readiness among young adults is a significant factor in determining future success in developing partner relationships. Young people, commonly referred to as Generation Z, have different perspectives on life than earlier generations, particularly, marriage. The paradigm of Generation Z on marital readiness makes this research relevant to investigate. The study included ten people from Generation Z, five males and five women. In-depth interviews were performed to obtain their perspectives on marital readiness. Results from in-depth interviews suggested that Generation Z has a different age image for marriage compared to previous generations. This study found Generation Z believes in the necessity to make several important aspects of preparation before they are ready for marriage. These include age readiness, partner criteria, career readiness, psychological readiness, and knowledge readiness. Results also found that Generation Z values work and considers equal roles in marriage. In summary, findings suggested that Generation Z in this study were not ready to marry and needed to navigate through psychological issues before establishing the world of marriage.
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