ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This paper explores the challenges and strategies associated with managing a diverse multigenerational workforce, ranging from Baby Boomers to Generation Z, in contemporary organisations. The study identifies the distinctive values, work habits, and communication preferences inherent in each generation, emphasizing the importance of understanding and embracing these differences for a harmonious and collaborative work environment. Challenges stemming from divergent work values, attitudes, and communication styles are examined, with a focus on their impact on employee well-being and overall productivity. To address these challenges, the paper proposes inclusive strategies, including mentorship programs, tailored recruitment and retention tactics, diversity and inclusion training, customized rewards programs, and open communication initiatives. The study underscores the significance of regularly reviewing and adapting these strategies to accommodate the evolving nature of the workforce. By implementing these measures, organisations can bridge the generation gap, fostering diversity, innovation, and improved performance across all age groups.
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(Johar et al., 2023)
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