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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Reintroducing the Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR) and the Form Three Assessment (PT3): Issues and Challenges of Classroom Assessment

Siti Bayzura Binti Muhammad, Bity Salwana Alias

Open access

The transformation of the education system involves improving the quality of education, increasing access to education, and raising awareness about the importance of education. Generally, primary and secondary school education is the foundation and initial step for every student before successfully progressing to higher levels of education. This foundation is crucial to produce a new generation balanced in various aspects such as intellectual, emotional, physical, spiritual, and personality, and possesses creative, critical thinking and is competitive. The announcement by the Ministry of Education Malaysia to abolish the Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR) and the Form Three Assessment (PT3) has elicited various responses among educators and parents. These responses range from full support to concerns about how the implementation of learning will change. While some support the abolition, others criticize it, believing that the move will affect the quality of education in Malaysia. Several factors lead to the pressure from certain parties to reintroduce the UPSR and PT3 to ensure the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process, such as demands from parents, a high and dense syllabus, classroom student density, and the readiness of Classroom Assessment (PBD) implementation at the school level. In conclusion, any changes that policymakers wish to implement in the field of education must thoroughly examine and study the impact and challenges to ensure the enhancement of the country's education quality.

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(Muhammad & Alias, 2023)
Muhammad, S. B. B., & Alias, B. S. (2023). Reintroducing the Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR) and the Form Three Assessment (PT3): Issues and Challenges of Classroom Assessment. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 3104–3114.