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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Implementing HIP Reading Activities and the Enhancement of Reading Skills in Malaysian Secondary Schools: A Literature Review

Khugeshieni Gunasegaran, Hanita Hanim Ismail

Open access

The Highly Immersive Programme (HIP) was introduced by the Ministry of Education in Malaysian language classrooms geared towards mitigating the prevalent lack of English language skills among English language learners. The goal of implementing HIP into the language learning classroom is to provide students with a more engaging, dynamic and interactive learning environment, as the traditional methods of teaching English were proven to be ineffective. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive literature review on implementing the HIP reading activities program to enhance reading skills among secondary school learners. This paper reviewed nine articles related to HIP activities in the language classroom and five papers related to teaching reading skills. This paper includes the benefits and challenges of implementing HIP reading activities, and the integration of the program into the existing curriculum based on past studies. A systematic literature review was employed to select relevant literature for the paper. The selection involved comprehensive database searches overviewing reading skills and the efficacy of the implementation of HIP. This study proposes that future researchers look into a wider perspective of HIP implementation in the language classroom, impact of the implementation on students' proficiency and to explore the adaptability of technological tools to the HIP program.

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