ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
An essential ability for children' academic performance and lifetime learning is reading. ESL primary learners face challenges in reading, especially when it comes to reading comprehension. Thus, this study proposes to examine how well the interactive Talk-King Book works to improve reading comprehension in Malaysian primary ESL classrooms. The theoretical framework for this study is based on the ideas of interactive learning and technology integration in the classroom. The Technical and Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework will be incorporated, in order to explain the interaction between technical, pedagogical, and content knowledge, which will govern the development and execution of the Talk-King Book intervention, which encourages reading comprehension. As such, this research will use quasi-experimental design. This design allows comparing two groups: an experimental group that receives the intervention (the use of Talk-King Book) and a control group that does not. The design enables the researchers to assess the impact of Talk-King Book on reading comprehension by measuring both groups' pre- and post-test scores to gather data.Descriptive and inferential statistics, such as t-tests or ANOVA will be used to analyse the data that are gathered. In this study, employing Talk-King Book is projected to greatly improve primary ESL learners' reading comprehension skills. The results of this study will add to the Body of Knowledge on interactive and technology integration on reading enhancement. Findings from this study will have implications for curriculum designers, educators, and legislators on the potential advantages of integrating interactive into reading teaching. The findings of this study will also have implications for curriculum designers, educators, and legislators on the potential advantages of integrating interactive into reading teaching. The study emphasises the significance of taking into account pupils' preferences and levels of involvement when creating and putting into practise technology-based interventions.
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