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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring Mobile Assisted Language Learning in Enhancing Reading Skill among ESL Learners: A Concept Paper

Thanussha Nair Chandran, Hanita Hanim Ismail

Open access

Reading skills would be one of the most important skills in language learning that should be mastered by every learner to be an excellent language user. It is indubitable that reading skill is pivotal compared to other skills as having strong reading abilities helps learners to comprehend and interpret in all that they read which eventually helps to enhance other language skills as well. It is indisputable that there are learners who are yet to master reading skills which eventually impact greatly in their language learning process. Thus, it is crucial to explore effective reading strategies to captivate learners’ attention towards reading besides enhancing their reading skills. Having said that, observing the current trend in the education system, technology integrated teaching and learning would be one of the effective teaching methods as it is preferred by the current generations. Moreover, it is undeniable that technology enhanced learning also would cater to learners' needs in learning as it will eventually encourage autonomous learning among learners. Hence, this paper intends to explore Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in enhancing reading skill among ESL learners. Apart from reviewing past literature on MALL and how it helps to enhance reading skill in language learning, this paper imparts a conceptual framework that can be useful for future research in exploring MALL to enhance reading skill of language learners. The conceptual framework is based on the TAM model. Thus, it is hoped that this study could propose the effectiveness of MALL in enhancing reading skill among ESL learners.

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