ISSN: 2222-6990
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The teacher's mastery of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in terms of vocabulary has a direct positive impact on students' language skills. This study aims to explore the pedagogical content knowledge of Arabic vocabulary among the head trainers of Arabic. A qualitative approach was used with a case study design. The study participants were four teachers from four schools in the state of Melaka who were selected using purposive sampling. The criteria for study participants are the head trainers of Arabic, who received exposure from the Curriculum Development Division (BPK) regarding the subject matter and spread it at the state level, and are active in co-academic activities at the state or national level. Research data was obtained through observation and in-depth interviews and observations. Data interpretation, research, and formulation are carried out by analyzing, coding, screening, comparing, and categorizing. The findings of the study show that the pedagogical content knowledge aspect of Arabic vocabulary that is required is knowledge of Arabic vocabulary and the selection of Arabic vocabulary. The implications of this study show that teachers need to have knowledge of Arabic vocabulary that includes aspects of size and depth, types of thematic vocabulary, and strengthens the use of the lughat al-fasl. In addition, the selection of vocabulary involves using the Performance Curriculum Standard Documents (DSKP) reference as the main reference, using vocabulary that is close to the students, and adding vocabulary outside the syllabus. Various initiatives need to be taken to ensure that knowledge elements of Arabic vocabulary content can be well mastered to improve the teaching of Arabic.
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