ISSN: 2222-6990
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This paper aims to develop a questionnaire to identify the fundamental drives that encourage fans to engage with sports clubs on social media. In addition to measuring the activities of fans on sports clubs' accounts on social media. The questionnaire will also measure the influence of engagement activities on social media on brand attachment and loyalty to the clubs. The paper determined that the fundamental drives that encourage fans to engage with sports clubs on social media are (a) Information, (b) Entertainment, (c) Personal Identity, (d) Integration and Social Interaction, (e) Empowerment, (f) Remuneration and (g) Brand Love). Also, the paper determined that fan engagement activities in Social Media are (a) Consuming, (b) Contributing, and (c) Creating activities. 11 panels of expert were chosen to validate the items instruments. Finding shown the total score for driver fans engagement on social media section shown r value are .88. Meanwhile for validation score Consumers' Online Brand-Related Activities, r value shows .96. For Brand Attachment and Brand Loyalty Section shown the r value are .92. Overall, in this study, researcher emphasize that the validation dan reliability process definitely precise shown the instrument are important to enhance the sustainability of the engagement to the sport clubs in Oman.
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(Alsiyabi et al., 2023)
Alsiyabi, I., Said, O. F. M., Zakaria, J., Muszali4, R., & Al-Fathi, Y. (2023). Validity and Reliability Instrument of Fan Engagement with Sports Clubs on Social Media in Oman. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 3354–3371.
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