ISSN: 2222-6990
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Metacognitive awareness in listening skills emphasizes two main elements: metacognitive knowledge and strategies. Metacognitive awareness emphasizes students' perceptions and actions towards learning listening skills comprehensively. Therefore, this survey study aims to identify students' metacognitive awareness levels and achievement levels in Arabic listening skills. As many as 300 out of 1280 Johor state secondary school Arabic students have been randomly selected as respondents. The study found that the level of metacognitive awareness of Arabic listening skills of secondary school students was at a moderate level (Min: 3.41, SD: 0.66). The level of achievement of listening skills also showed the same result, which was at a moderate level (Min: 3.36, SD: 0.73). These findings suggest that students' level of metacognitive awareness and level of listening skills achievement need to be strengthened, and studies to see the relationship and influence between these two aspects need to be carried out to empower the learning of Arabic listening skills. Two types of study instruments, namely questionnaires adapted from MALQ and Arabic listening skills test questions, are suitable as self-study aids and guides for students in planning and implementing listening skills activities to improve their mastery of Arabic listening skills.
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