ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Turnover is a very critical issue and each organization should manage its rate. The main objective of this study was to determine the factors influencing TSC employees’ turnover in West Pokot district. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the influence of factors such as leadership, remuneration, working conditions and geographical location on TSC employees’ turnover in West Pokot district. This study was a descriptive survey, carried out in secondary schools in West Pokot district. The target population comprised a total of 268 secondary school teachers from a total of 30 schools. A sample of 80 respondents was selected using stratified sampling, simple random sampling and systematic random sampling. Questionnaires were the main tool of data collection. The findings indicated that the majority of the respondents felt that their contribution was recognised by the management, 67% of the respondents felt they were given plenty of freedom to decide on how to do their work and that working relations with the boss was not constrained. A majority felt their organization did not give them adequate and fair pay for the work they did as reported by 57%, a fact that led to TSC employees’ turnover in West Pokot. A majority of respondents agreed that they were given adequate facilities and instruments to perform their duties and they worked in a safe and healthy environment as indicated by 42%. The employees said they would leave TSC given an alternative employment, and most of them (24% strongly agreed, some 50% agreed) were comfortable with the geographical location of their organizations. The findings concluded that TSC employees in West Pokot were not given adequate and fair pay for the work they did, their pay did not compare favourably with what they could get elsewhere and pay increases were not handled fairly in comparison to other organizations. The pay did not make them happy and that the benefits package they received did not compare well with those in other organization. Therefore it was concluded by this study that the situations led to TSC employees’ turnover in West Pokot. General recommendations were made to stem turnover of TSC employees in West Pokot district.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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