ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
In society, volunteering has grown in importance, particularly as a way to support and enhance the efficiency of the public sector. The ability to manage volunteers in various situations, organisations, or projects, including the qualities of the volunteers themselves, will have a direct impact on volunteer retention. The purpose of this study is to investigate how perceived organisational support affects volunteer intentions. A total of 302 volunteers for the Higher Education Institution Sports Tournament (SUKIPT 2022) consisting of 105 males and 197 females, aged 18 to 30 years were selected using simple random sampling. A questionnaire adapted from Perceived Organizational Support and Future Volunteering Intentions was used to test organisational support and volunteer retention using the Organizational Support Theory, Self-Determination Theory, and Social Exchange Theory approaches. The study's findings suggest that SUKIPT 2022 volunteers receive a high level of organisational support and there is no significant differences on perceived organizational support between males and females. The findings of this study show that organizational support has a significant effect on future volunteering intentions, F (1,302) = 183.184, p<.001. Results for the gender-based difference in volunteer intentions demonstrate that there is no statistically significant difference in future volunteer intentions between male and female respondents (U = 10059.00, p =.608). The results of this study are crucial in helping the host organisation comprehend the requirements of volunteers in the event being conducted while also providing them with the greatest assistance or service. Awareness of the necessity of strong organisational support can help two or more persons who volunteer, both directly and indirectly. A high level of understanding in outstanding volunteer management can boost future volunteer retention and host the organization's visibility.
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(Mahmood & Pa, 2023)
Mahmood, N. A., & Pa, W. A. M. W. (2023). The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Future Volunteers’ Intent to Participate in Higher Education Institution Sports Tournament (Sukipt 2022). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 3672–3692.
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