ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The educational landscape in Malaysia is now undergoing a transformation with the aim of cultivating individuals who possess the ability to engage in creative and critical thinking, enabling them to effectively confront forthcoming issues. The subject at hand pertains to the incorporation of Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) throughout elementary and secondary schools in Malaysia. The establishment of HOTS represents an initial stride towards fostering a highly knowledgeable and skilled generation, equipping our nation to compete on par with other advanced countries. Next, it is important to devise an education system of better effectiveness with the aim of achieving competitive standing in global evaluations such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). The issue of teacher willingness is a significant concern in the successful implementation of HOTS, as it must align with established criteria while also considering the potential burden it may have on students, particularly given all the challenges they already experience. The review article will focus on the current implementation of the HOTS at schools, the readiness of teachers, the challenges that have been identified throughout the implementation process, and potential strategies for addressing these issues.
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(Sarkawi et al., 2023)
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