ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This study aims to explore, identify and explain the support service that is Job Coach in the implementation of the Career Transition Programme for students with special needs. The career transition programme is a systematic programme to help students with special needs transition from school to work. This study was conducted using a qualitative approach methodology using a research design to various places. The research strategy of this study is through data collection methods using triangulation which is interviews as the main data, physical observation and document analysis. Data analysis using Nvivo 7 software to obtain consistent themes to answer the research questions. This survey involved 6 respondents, 3 students with special needs and 3 Job Coaches who have a basic certificate issued by the community welfare department. Two of the respondents are students with special needs in the autism and slow learner categories, while another student is in the moderate hearing category. The selection of these respondents is to obtain data and information to see the extent to which the Job Coach role is implemented in 3 different locations around the Klang Valley zone. The findings of the study of 3 students with special needs who used the Job Coach service in the career transition program got permanent job opportunities where the transition programme was conducted. In addition, the findings of the study found that students with special needs can improve their interpersonal skills, self-advocacy and exposure at work with the support of a Job Coach. The findings from this study are expected to expand the role of the Job Coach to society and the privileges of working disabled people as well as employers where disabled people work.
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