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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Empowering Students’ Employability Through Effective Resume Writing

Nur Yasmin Khairani Zakaria, Harwati Hashim, Melor Md Yunus, Hanim Aqilah Mohd Sanusi, Nur Ariizah Che Sahak, Nur Najwa Farhana Ghazali, Rubina Khan Shaukat Ali, Syaima’ Mohd Soud, Wan Nur Najihah Mohd Khairi

Open access

A resume plays a pivotal role in the competitive landscape of job hunting, especially in today's era where many individuals hold similar educational qualifications, thereby intensifying the competition. The distinguishing factor that sets one's credibility apart from another is the presentation of an outstanding and robust resume. Consequently, the preparation of students to produce resumes is of important in their need to capture the attention of prospective employers during their job search. An instructional program focusing on resume writing has been designed and implemented to address this need. The methodology employed in this study adopts a quantitative approach involving the collection of data through a survey administered to a cohort of 26 participants. This research endeavor seeks to accomplish two primary objectives: to enhance students' proficiency in composing formal and effective resumes; and to scrutinize the utility of a guided resume template as a valuable resource for students when crafting their resumes. The investigation hinges on the responses collected across three distinct survey sections: a) Demographic Background; b) Lessons Satisfaction; and c) Materials and Activity Satisfaction. The results derived from this study provide compelling evidence in favour of the notion that resumes must be tailored to align with the specific requisites of prospective employers.

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(Zakaria et al., 2023)
Zakaria, N. Y. K., Hashim, H., Yunus, M. M., Sanusi, H. A. M., Sahak, N. A. C., Ghazali, N. N. F., Ali, R. K. S., Soud, S. M., & Khairi, W. N. N. M. (2023). Empowering Students’ Employability Through Effective Resume Writing. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 3890–3900.