ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The School Transformation Program 2025 (TS25) is an effort by the Malaysian Ministry of Education to continuously focus support on schools and school expertise in order to improve student achievement and school quality. This study was conducted to explore the implementation of Module 3: Leading Learning in the School Transformation Program 2025 (TS25) in primary schools in Sarikei District and to identify the challenges faced by teachers in the implementation of Module 3: Leading Learning in the School Transformation Program 2025 (TS25) in primary schools in Sarikei District. The design of this study is qualitative research based on a case study. The research methods used are interview techniques, document analysis, and observation. To analyze the data, the researcher used Computer Aided Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS), which is ATLAS software. It is hoped that all schools and teachers are physically and mentally prepared to accept the transformation and provide a fun learning environment that engages students in active and meaningful learning.
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