ISSN: 2222-6990
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This research aims to determine the role and influence of two types of action rationalization, namely instrumental action rationalization and value action rationalization, on decisions made by parents in determining their children's future through educational investment and which is the most dominant. Descriptive and comparative methods will be used in answering the research problems, so the analytical tool in this research is an instrument using a 7-point Likert scale collected through an online survey tool in the form of Jotform. The sample to be used is parents who have school-age children at the XII grade high school education level. To get good analytical results, validity and reliability tests were carried out first through a pilot test, then continued with regression tests using actual data. The results showed that instrumental action rationalization can influence parents' decision to invest in education more than value action rationalization. The implication of this research is a better understanding from parents that there is a need to rationalize their actions in investing in education. This research is also expected to be further examined in other studies to get results and similarities in the perception that these two types of social action rationalization are interrelated.
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