ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Language learning strategies (LLS) have been proven effective in helping global English learners to acquire the language effectively. While English is taught as a second language in Malaysian schools, developing strong receptive skills is crucial for effective communication and academic success. However, research focusing on identifying LLS for enhancing English receptive skills is scarce. This study aims to identify the language learning strategies employed by Malaysian primary school pupils to enhance their English receptive skills. Young Learners' Language Strategy Use Survey (YLLSUS) was adapted and administered to a sample of primary school pupils to gather quantitative data on the language learning strategies they employ. Convenience sampling was used to select 30 participants for this study. The findings of the study reveal a range of language learning strategies employed by Malaysian primary school pupils to enhance their English receptive skills. The study contributes to the understanding of language learning strategies used by Malaysian primary school pupils to enhance their English receptive skills. The findings can inform language instruction practices and curriculum development to better support pupils' language learning needs. Further research could explore the effectiveness of these strategies and the impact of various contextual factors on their implementation and outcomes.
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(Amiruddin et al., 2023)
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