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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Reflections on China's Higher Education Reform Initiated by ChatGPT

Zhang Qian, Chen Chongyu, Melor Md Yunus, Karmila Rafiqah M. Rafiq

Open access

Open AI, an artificial intelligence research laboratory in the United States, has developed an intelligent chat robot called ChatGPT. It can use multiple languages to respond to user requests for information, and can engage in simple conversations and discuss basic issues. It can also understand and analyze user language, and has certain anthropomorphic language abilities. As a representative of generative artificial intelligence, ChatGPT has become popular throughout the internet and has also attracted high attention from various levels and types of school education work worldwide. Is it an opportunity or a threat to China's higher education, and does it have a promoting effect on the reform of China's higher education? The full text briefly introduces ChatGPT and its focus, analyzes ChatGPT from a historical perspective, combines the current situation of China's higher education reform, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT application in China's higher education, and finally proposes suggestions for Chinese universities to scientifically and reasonably use ChatGPT. It is hoped that Chinese universities could use artificial intelligence to empower a new round of "classroom revolution", better respond to the arrival of the ChatGPT era, and promote higher education reform in China.

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(Qian et al., 2023)
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