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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Never Have I Ever Bingo: A Grammar-Learning Innovation for Acquiring the Present Perfect Tense in Writing

Myzatul Sarah Yusof, Nik Nur Adnin Nik Anuar, Nur Arifah Abd Majid, Harwati Hashim, Melor Md Yunus

Open access

In order to guarantee that their pupils can learn the language effectively, English as a Second Language (ESL) educators have always equipped themselves with various educational approaches and strategies. In spite of this, ESL learners still find the present perfect tense one of the most challenging tenses to master as grammar structures and rules differ from their first language. Nevertheless, the implementation of language games has shown its effects on learners' knowledge, competency and motivation in learning a language, focusing on different targeted language areas and skills such as grammar. Accordingly, this paper aims to describe the design and development of ‘Never Have I Bingo’ through the ADDIE model as well as study its effectiveness on learners’ ability to use the present perfect tense in writing. This empirical study involved 31 Year 6 students in a primary school in Negeri Sembilan. The results of employed pre and post tests demonstrated a significant improvement in students’ ability to use the present perfect tense in writing sentences. Interviews and document analysis were also conducted to demonstrate students’ perceptions and effectiveness of the game. The study could provide insight to educators in developing and conducting games in grammar learning. Future studies might concentrate on creating games that improve the many grammar structures and rules used in other skills.

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(Yusof et al., 2023)
Yusof, M. S., Anuar, N. N. A. N., Majid, N. A. A., Hashim, H., & Yunus, M. M. (2023). ‘Never Have I Ever Bingo’: A Grammar-Learning Innovation for Acquiring the Present Perfect Tense in Writing. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 4145–4160.