ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
In improving learners’ language acquisition, the good practice of language learning strategies are crucial to promote active participation in language classroom. This research specifically focuses on investigating the preferred vocabulary learning strategies among Malaysian urban and rural good language learners from two secondary schools. This study was participated by 60 Form 2 secondary students attending a Malaysian government school in Negeri Sembilan and Johor. Schmit (1997) Vocabulary Learning Strategies Questionnaire (VLSQ) was adapted in this study. The adapted version of the questionnaire comprises 25 items from 5 different subcategories. The mean of each strategy was analysed using SPSS Version 26. The study depicted that the most frequently employed VLSs by ESL learners are Determination strategies (DET), while Cognitive strategies (COG) are less commonly used. These results provide useful information for ESL teachers in analysing the variation in the vocabulary learning strategies employed in ESL classrooms.
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(Yusri et al., 2023)
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