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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

An Investigation on the Use of Tiktok to Enhance Speaking Skills

Segar Sadhasivam, Nur Izzah Atirah Ilias, Norfarah Shameera Mohamed Azim, Melor Md Yunus, Harwati Hashim, Karmila Rafiqah M Rafiq

Open access

The introduction of CEFR is aimed to help elevate and reform the English language education system in Malaysia. The new format is quite descriptive and thorough, aiming at mastering all the four skills; reading, writing, speaking and listening which then impacts on the students’ motivation level when learning due to the vast difference in the expectation of language mastery. Speaking skills have been given equal weightage in the current English language education unlike the previous examination system which only prioritized reading and writing skills. TikTok is observed to be a widely used application among teenagers. The need of having to master speaking skills in order to be addressed as a fluent candidate and using TikTok as a tool to encourage pupils to engage in a lesson has led to the emergence of the study aim which investigates the usage of TikTok as a teaching medium in enhancing speaking skills among Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) candidates around 16 to 17 years old. The Design and Development Research method was used to collect data and upon analyzing the data based on SPM marking descriptors, it was found around 37 % of pupils gained score 13-18 (excellent) while the the majority (45 %) of the respondents received score 13-18 (good) and the remaining 18% gained score 7-12 (intermediate). Comparison of derived data with a conventional teaching lesson proves the effectiveness of TikTok. The role of TikTok as a language teaching and learning platform would be the most significant implications of the study.

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(Sadhasivam et al., 2023)
Sadhasivam, S., Ilias, N. I. A., Azim, N. S. M., Yunus, M. M., Hashim, H., & Rafiq, K. R. M. (2023). An Investigation on the Use of Tiktok to Enhance Speaking Skills. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 4226–4240.