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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploration of Emotional Intelligence and Motivation of Therapists at Autism Centers

Wan Mohamad Faris Wan Hamansor Adabi, Ku Suhaila Ku Johari

Open access

This study aimed to explore the emotional intelligence and motivation of therapists in autism centers. The population of therapists was selected non-randomly in the form of sampling aimed at autism centers in Selangor. A total of four therapists at an autism center in Selangor were involved in psychoeducational group counseling. The characteristics of the selected respondents were based on their experience in managing and teaching autistic students for a minimum of six months. The study methodology was qualitative using a case study design. A total of four group counseling sessions were conducted face-to-face. Data were collected through an interview method and analyzed with a thematic process of examining recording transcripts and identifying themes that arose based on the objectives of the study. The findings of the study resulted in three main themes resulting from the exploration of activities based on modules. The first theme, the factor influencing emotional intelligence has three sub-themes namely (i) heavy workload, (ii) the need to meet the expectations of employers and parents of students and (iii) no career development. Next, the second theme which is the effect of deterioration emotional intelligence has two sub themes namely (i) frequent burnout and (ii) the affected relationships with significant people. Finally, the third theme, motivation in pursuing a career, has two subthemes, namely (i) intrinsic motivation and (ii) extrinsic motivation. Some of the limitations that occur are time constraints and difficulties in obtaining respondents. The suggestion in this study is to focus on the populations studied in each state in Malaysia.

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(Adabi & Johari, 2023)
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