ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This critical review aims to evaluate the impact of the flipped classroom model in critical thinking, active learning, and motivation among students. The review examines empirical studies published in the past four years, analysing the methodology, findings and limitations of these studies. The literature search was conducted using relevant keywords on the Google Scholar platform, and strict inclusion criteria were applied to ensure high-quality, peer-reviewed articles from respected databases were included in the review. The findings of this critical review highlight a dearth of high-quality research on flipped classrooms in Malaysia, with only a few studies focusing on the impact of flipped classrooms on critical thinking, active learning and motivation. The review reveals a significant gap in the literature, particularly in articles that address all three aspects of the theme. Most of the articles focus on the effects of active learning, with limited research on critical thinking and motivation. The review recommends further research on the impact of flipped classrooms on critical thinking and motivation, as well as more qualitative research to gain insights into students’ experiences. It emphasises the need for a more comprehensive understanding of the pedagogical advantages of flipped classrooms, particularly in enhancing critical thinking and motivation among students. The findings of this review contribute to the existing literature and provide directions for future research and practice in the field of flipped classrooms.
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(Wong et al., 2023)
Wong, K. E., Din, R., & Othman, N. (2023). Flipped Classroom’s Impact on Critical Thinking, Active Learning and Motivation: a Critical Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 4390–4400.
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