ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Minecraft Education Edition is software that approaches learning through the method of gamification. In line with the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which emphasizes digitization in everything, 21st -century learning also emphasizes on the use of Digital Tool Resources in teaching and learning therefore making digitization a main requirement in the education sector. Based on previous studies, it has been proven that playing digital games can improve students' leadership, collaborative, creativity and competitiveness skills. The subject of Islamic Education has seven main areas which are faith, worship, Al-Quran, Hadith, Jawi, Sirah and Moral Values. The field of Sirah in Islamic education is one of the challenging fields when explored in teaching and learning. This is because this field of study is hard set on facts and history, which can be boring when given to students during lessons as it is. Therefore, this study aims to create a world in Minecraft Education Edition based on the UDin model, as an alternative learning media in the field of Islamic Education in Year 6 which is titled Jihad. This is to neutralise the malignant view upon Jihad which had been corrupted and twisted into a negative connotation in many digital games. Therefore, it becomes a necessity to clarify jihad in the world of digital games as it should be; not as a negative belief, but as a positive way of life. In addition, the purpose of the study is to identify the usability of the material created through Minecraft Education Edition. The researcher used a quantitative approach in the form of a survey as a questionnaire instrument through Google Form. This study involved 64 primary school students and teachers in Tatau and Sebauh districts. Pre- and post-tests were also given to respondents to see the significance of the usability of the material that was built. The results of the final study show that this study managed to record more than 90% of respondents who were very satisfied with using Minecraft Education Edition in the field of Islamic Education. The implications of this study can give teachers a wider space for creativity in applying the learning objectives of Islamic Education using Minecraft Education Edition.
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(Shuhaimi et al., 2023)
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