ISSN: 2222-6990
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A literature review was conducted to evaluate the utilization of flipped classroom with social network and educational games. The first depends on the subjectivity of the researcher to select relevant articles, while the second applies objective criteria. This article offers an approach to conducting a critical review by following the five steps of quantitative research. First, the research objective and research question were defined. Second, a meaningful sample of literature sources was found. Third, data were collected after applying exclusion filters from these sources. Fourth, descriptive statistics were used to analyse and report the results. Fifth, the implications of these results were discussed. The results of the critical review allowed the authors to identify several themes that were present in articulated conceptual frameworks. In addition, the review of the literature revealed information gaps. These shortcomings require further research in this area of the utilization of flipped classroom with social network and educational games.
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(Manimaran et al., 2023)
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