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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Education System in The Family of The Tablighi Jamaat

Ahmad Dzaky Hasan, Izzah Nur Aida Zur Raffar, Rif’an Syafruddin, Alfina Lailan

Open access

This study aims to review the education system in the Jamaah Tabligh family. The focus of this study is to find an education system that is typical of the Tablighi Jamaat in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. This type of investigation is a qualitative investigation with a phenomenological approach. The phenomenological approach is used to describe facts or phenomena that are carried out by humans, both individuals and groups. The results of the study are that the education system in the Tablighi Jamaat family is called Ta'lim Rumah which is the initial foundation for the success of the Tablighi Jamaat preaching. The education system in the Tablighi Jamaat family is described in several components, namely raw input (students), instrumental input (educators), environmental input (culture), process (learning) and product (outcomes). The children who are educated in this Ta'lim Rumah are expected to become precious pearls that benefit the family, race, religion and country.

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(Hasan et al., 2024)
Hasan, A. D., Raffar, I. N. A. Zur, Syafruddin, R., & Lailan, A. (2024). Education System in The Family of The Tablighi Jamaat. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(1), 1957–1962.