ISSN: 2222-6990
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As known to many, the world has witnessed the significant rise of Islamic banking in the global financial system. Like other financial institutions, Islamic banking institutions place great emphasis on consumers as they are regarded the most essential stakeholders of the institutions. Due to that fact, Islamic banking institutions greatly value viewpoints and preferences of their customers so that they can enhance products and facilities offered. This conceptual framework provides a new perspective on customers' intention to use Islamic home finance by introducing the moderating influence of Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility (iCSR) along with the behavioral control, subjective norms as well as attitude components of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). By incorporating ethical considerations into the decision-making process, this framework hypothesizes that positive customer attitudes, favorable subjective norms, and enhanced behavioral control entail higher consumption intentions. Moreover, it proposes that iCSR intensifies this relationship by emphasizing the role of the ethical dimension to essentially impact the adoption of Islamic home financing among customers. Researchers and practitioners can benefit immensely obtaining valuable insights from this framework by. Also, the framework enhances understanding of the dynamics of Islamic finance adoption and provides a foundation for empirical validation and strategic decision making in the industry.
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