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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Open access

This research explores local clay located at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah using line blend formula for producing glaze. This study aims to document the basic introduction of earthenware clay that is in Sabah as a basic material in producing glaze. The method used is a qualitative method and carried out a test process at the ceramic studio, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. The formula used is the line blend formula. The line blend formula is an approach that applies a combination of one or two natural ingredients to obtain glossy, satin, and matt effects. A total of six research samples that have been carried out in the ceramic studio by applying the technique of combining earthenware clay (EC) and wood ash (WA) in different ratios using firing temperatures ranged from bisque firing (800?, cone 014) to glaze firing (1260?, cone 6). The results of the study found that the six samples showed different effects in terms of the surface and color of the glaze. This study is an indicator that is easy to use to produce glaze. The research findings show that the production of glaze using clay as the basis is the understanding and technical use of earthenware clay as the main material, the preparation of clay and adjustments for glaze using clay found in Sabah is effective in the creation of ceramics. This study hopes to inform and serve as guides to students how to produce a good and consistent ash glaze formula for ceramic creation.

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(Nordin & Ayob, 2023)
Nordin, F. N., & Ayob, N. (2023). Earthenware Clay as A Base Material For Ash Glaze. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 4732-4743.