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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Pilot Study on the Physical Parameters and Skill Performance Analysis among Pakistani Elite Male Field Hockey Players

Marrium Bashir, Soh Kim Geok, Shamsulariffin Samsudin, Saddam Akbar, Suriyan Somphong, Siswantoyo ., Erwin Setyo Kriswanto

Open access

This study aimed to analyze the physical parameters and skill performance of elite male field hockey players in Pakistan. Explore a pilot method for developing reliable physical and skill performance parameters. This study surveyed 16 elite players aged 19 to 23 years in Faisalabad Hockey Training Club in 2023. The mean ± standard deviation between groups was measured by descriptive statistics, and the reliability of the research tool was established by test-retest. Test-retest is establishing the reliability of the research tool. Intraclass correlations for all variables are between 0.886 and 0.963. This is the first study of physical parameters and skill performance analysis among elite male field hockey players in Pakistan. It was confirmed that the test procedure had high reliability and accurately reflected the performance of the participants. This will provide future researchers with a way to accurately measure. Furthermore, the methods and tests used in this study are conveniently and affordably applicable at training facilities. These conditions are necessary to enhance the performance and growth of hockey athletes, particularly in countries with low levels of economic investment.

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(Bashir et al., 2023)
Bashir, M., Geok, S. K., Samsudin, S., Akbar, S., Somphong, S., Siswantoyo, & Kriswanto, E. S. (2023). A Pilot Study on the Physical Parameters and Skill Performance Analysis among Pakistani Elite Male Field Hockey Players. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 4779-4788.